No QHD/4k and locked to 30 fps?

Joined just to say that I immediately refunded this title upon discovering that the max resolution for a UE5 game that came out in 2023 is capped at 1920x1440 on my system.

I bought my 3440x1440 screen 6 years ago so Ultra-wide is not a new concept that came out this year. Other games from over 12 years ago at least support 2560x1440.

I will not use a third-party tool to work around what should have been there from the start. It’s clear that QHD/4K/Ultrawide was never built in since overriding the config file does not even work. Very strange from a game that supposedly uses the UE5 engine.

I was looking forward to this game for a long time even after it got delayed several times. This is not the quality one would expect for a $39.99 Price tag, no I’m not going to count the 25% Epic Games discount.

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I’m with you, despite I didn’t make a refund. I also do not understand why the resolutions are not supported from the game by itself. Their are games which do have UI problems with WHQD or even UWHQD in your case and in mine as I’m also at 3440x1440. So as their is no problem with the game itself with this resoultion(s), I really hope their will be a patch very soon that fixes this.

Also I’d like an option to disable the motion blur. For now changing the settings in the engine.ini file like mentioned by @gingikinz will work for me, but that as well as the resoultion problem shouldn’t be something to be done by hand or with an external tool.

So please devs, get rid of that ASAP!

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I hear you, I played through the first major section and given it is some solid Trek, refrained from refunding since we get so little of it in gaming.

But the lack of high res and gfx options is just lazy. They knew better.

I could have waited for them to add PC options. There was no need to rush this out.

@TKessel You are right that one might opt to wait for a potential patch and if such come to fruition I will most likely re-purchase the game. However until that is a fact, not a promise, I will vote with my money and not support a Developer the delivers a subpar basic technical experience, no matter how good the story or how much I want to play and enjoy the game.

@daigojigai Right, with you on that one. Game has been delayed for over a year from initial release date (Spring 2022). It feels like they came to a point where they just had to release it regardless of the state.

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1st, no Steam release…
2nd, 1080p and 30 frames… for PC
I just bought this and was about to refund it BUT I decide to support your Trek endeavor.
I hope you will bring improvements to the game, thanks!

@Spjutulf I also respect your decision of a refund, it came in my mind as well. On the other hand I’m just happy that we do have a new ST game and until now it gives me a lot of fun. That is no excuse for the lack of resolutions, as this is also very easy to fix / add into the game, so it is a no brainer that it should have been included from the first minute on.

It is great content. I haven’t encountered bugs yet and the storyline is compelling. Only finished the first section arc of episodes, but am hoping for a patch that unlocks res and framerate.

Please fix the 4k 30fps issue. I am waiting to play until this is fixed and I hope my voice is heard! Live long and prosper

Curiously, I just encountered a part of the game where my FPS “unlocked” itself and jumped to a 60-fps lock. Unsure if this is a glitch, but the game runs just fine when playing it like this. Nice and smooth :slight_smile: I noticed it before I pulled up the counter.

Screenshot is generic as to contain no spoilers. FPS counter in the top right for evidence. It was consistently 60 even when running around the room, not just staring at the wall.

Dropped back to 30-fps after an in-game cutscene.

(1440p using UUU, cropped bc I don’t know Epic’s shortcut for screenshots.)

I have to agree here, that this is extremely annoying. I’m used to having the smoothness of around 100 FPS, and seeing this in 30 FPS is a pain.

Please Devs, if not unlocking it completely, then at least give us 60 FPS…

I think I’ll wait until they support 4k resolution. My monitor is a 55" TV and it looks kind of bad in 1080p at the distance I’m sitting. Frame rate matters less because this isn’t an action game.

@quidnunc, while frame rate may not matter to you in some games, it does to some of us no matter what the game type is. :slight_smile:

I didn’t say it doesnt matter, and I was being pragmatic because frame rate may be tied to game systems in a way that makes it more difficult to fix than resolution. Of course, I’m just speculating.

Same here. Game in 1080p with a 55" TV with 120mhz is like playing a game of 2005 !

How do I make the game not run in full screen mode?

If I uncheck “Fullscreen” in the in-game options, the picture gets smaller, but if I then set the unlocker to my resolution (5120x1440), I get a stretched full screen again.

Hi! I can tell you that this is the game that finally made me upgrade to a Series S from an Xbox One (I do 95% of my gaming on PC). I first bought and played Resurgence on the Xbone, and it certainly looks and runs significantly better on the Series S. So it does seem to be optimized for the newer system. No such luck on PS5 from what I am seeing.

This worked for me:

Better fps and resolution (PC) - General - Star Trek Resurgence Forum (

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