Where is the key for startrek online

bought startrek resurgance becuase of promo for a star trek online key with it ,where do i claim it?


You need to redeem the code for the Federation Elite Starter Pack on Arc. Here are the instructions: https://support.arcgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017616734-Redeeming-pack-item-or-promotion-codes

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me again.

thats not the key never got the key from steam

Hey @friend2talk2 how are you doing?

lebron here, part of the STR crew.

To get the STO promo code you need to:

  • Purchase STR for PC
  • Start the game, and play
  • After that, next time you go to main menu you will se “YOUR CHOICES” menu item
  • Select “YOUR CHOICES” and follow the instructions to link your game with a forum/STR-site account. (go to that url -or scan the qr- and when asked to login you can use the credentials you 've used for this forum)

Once you finished those steps you will see a message that says we 've emailed you your STO promo code (or something like that)

Good luck and post again if you still can’t get the code.

Hey there. i haven’t received an email at all. and the website says to verify my email and i don’t receive anything.

Hi @Mia1423…

I could not find records from your foum account linked to a purchased game.

I may need to ask you for more details so I will follow up by direct messages to to ask for that.

talk to you later

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I did all the things you mentioned and I also did not receive any info about a Star Trek Online key. Did I miss something?

Ok I am reporting back with some info for you guys.

We just noticed that mailing service was experiencing some delay today, so if you were expecting your STO code email earlier today or late yesterday you may have been affected by this delay.

The service is now normalized so please keep checking your inbox for the email code.

thank you

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Bit of an issue I do not see an email.

I owned the game when it came out on Epic Games store.

As I prefer my games on Steam I brought the Captain’s edition on Steam and when i went to play it had my saved game from the epic standard edition.

I did the QR code scan and got an error. How do I get to claim my code.

Kind regards,


Hi @peter84,

I 'm sorry to hear you still don’t have your code.

We will be working on resolving that situation today.

You will hear back from us really soon,

Best Regards, lebron

Hi @peter84,

I 've got a response from the technical team, you should check your inbox for the code as it should have already been delivered now.


I saw the email and have redeemed the code. Thank you for your help.

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still not seeing a key in whole email spot it was friend2talk2@yahoo.com?

Hey @friend2talk2,

I am really sorry I missed the notification about this message from yours.

I was able to check that you still haven’t received the email and I 've just ordered the tech team to assign and send you an email, so expect to receive it really soon, keep checking your email.

Again, I am really sorry for this delay.

Have a nice day.