This is pure Star Trek (And I freakin' Love it)

I learned to love Star Trek late in life. I started with Voyager in 2015. Then went through all the classics, the modern shows/movies as well. I consumed just about every piece of Star Trek media out there and I have adored the vast majority of it.

I can say after a couple of hours playing this game, that it is truly understands the essence of what Star Trek should be. Everything about this game makes me love it a bit more.

The writers, artists, and the devs have done a magnificent job creating something that makes me feel so involved and responsible for my actions, and the results they can have on this universe.

I could rant for an eternity, but I wanted to give my thanks to all those involved creating this gattang masterpiece.


Oui c’est vraiment un jeu qui reprend les codes de Star Trek. Ce qui est intéressant également c’est la découverte de nouveaux personnages principaux en lieu est place de PIKE, PICARD et Kirk.

Etant dans l’impossibilité de finir le jeu actuellement je ne peux pas encore affirmer si Jara Rydek mérite un développement autre que ce jeu.


Absolute Zustimmung. Es fĂĽhlt sich heimisch an, wenn man mit TNG aufgewachsen ist :bridge_at_night: :milky_way: :artificial_satellite: :ringer_planet: :milky_way:


Star Trek’s enduring spirit shines through in the game, a testament to the dedication of its creators.


If you like this you love want is in the process of being made its called starship simulator and it looks amazing take a look on u tube type in starship simulator

This is exactly what is missing from the TV shows. You can clearly see how the developers of this game know what Star Trek is compared to the current makers of the TV shows.

Its a shame the TV shows are hit and miss depending on the show runners and the decisions made higher up.