PC keyboard control problem

I get stuck when I have to use the Phaser for the first time in the game when I’m outside the ship. In fact, on the keyboard settings, the key to use the phaser is 2, whereas in the game, the help displayed is 1.

As a result, I can’t use the phaser and I’m completely stuck for the rest of the game.

did you try both ? i also play with mouse and keyboard , it shows me 1 for phaser and 2 for tricorder , and this works , i didn’t made any changes in the control settings.

Oui j’ai essayé toutes les touches de mon clavier et rien ne se passe. J’ai recommencé la partie et j’ai toujours le même problème. C’est franchement dommageable car je trouve l’histoire intéressante. Donner de l’argent pour ne pas faire 1/8 de jeu m’embête clairement.

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I have the same problem. Does anyone have the solution ?

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same problem !!! HELP

SOLUTION:::: i installed windows english keyboard and i switch to play STR from my keyboard to eng… it works