Patch 1.01 is LIVE!

I’m seeing the resolutions for ultrawide monitors, but there are just black bars on either side of the screen.

Framerate is also still capped at 30fps for me.

But yeah. I’m still seeing it as 1.0.1. Did we get the update or not?

Thank you for the INVERT Y AXIS setting! Now I can finally play! Put in 6 hours yesterday! I love it!

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The same here. I also thought that ultrawide would be fixed in such a way that there were no black bars left or right. Please catch up that.

I’ve started replaying after patch 1.1 and I’ve been using the new 2k resolution.

First at the higher resolution quick actions such as moving the mouse to a certain area or clicking is extremely slow and difficult even with mouse and sensitivity at maximum.

There’s a graphical error if you choose Edsilar to go first when leaving the hull. When Carter is being carried off on the gurney in the hallway the screen becomes very dark and you can’t see anything expect a few lights. Just that one scene.

The website choices is showing red for Spock but all my choice were neutral or positive with him. It currently says “Ambassador Spock supported Jara’s assessment that Starfleet should be informed that the Resolute’s system had been compromised.” So I believe this is a mistake. Also Lieutenant Bedrosian, I choose to save her from being electrocuted, but she’s still yellow.

Hey there! Regarding ultra-wide, the game is authored with the content at a 16:9 aspect ratio, so it will always show the content like that, so you’ll see black bars on the sides if your monitor is wider than that.

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I suspected this would be the case as well. It would take some serious ‘remastering’ work to clean up (and in some cases add) the content outside of the original ‘camera frame’. Sure, 3D games are different than movies, but a lot of the same tricks get used. You don’t need to model an entire panorama for a close-up shot, etc.

Now that this patch is out the door, I’m hoping the devs will be able to turn their focus to some of the more nuanced Quality of Life issues such as: Improving the UX for Crew Impressions - General - Star Trek Resurgence Forum (

And how long do we have to wait for the German subtitles? Another month? They aren’t that difficult to make…

I don’t care that much about the black bars on the side. It doesn’t bother me.

What does bother me is seemingly still only getting 30fps on my PC even though the patch notes say “Fixed a restriction that prevented the game from running at the system’s maximum framerate.”

But I’m ALSO unclear if we got the update at all because the version number on EGS says 1.0.1 and not 1.1.

there was never a confirmation, that german subtitles are in development.

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Thanks so much! I wondered will there ever be achievements for Epic version as the other versions all have achievements?

Thanks! I’m looking forward to beginning my play on PC now that Y Axis inversion is available.

Is anything working now as expected under PS5?
All bugs fixed?
What about the weird blur around people someone mentioned?
still only 30fps ?

I haven’t checked in a couple days… did this update ever hit Xbox?

Just checked a few minutes ago; it’s still not updated.

for me, STILL hasnt “fixed achievements”… im left with glitched out achievements that i SHOULD have got not being awarded to me retrospectively, meaning i have to struggle through glitchy, buggy minigames on another playthrough in order to try and remember my decisions so i will get all achievements i SHOULD already have…

How do you update this game in Epic Game Launcher. Mine is still stuck on 1.01

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According to Epic, it’s supposed to update automatically. Which means one of three things:

  1. Epic is refusing to patch the game
  2. Epic is taking forever to ensure the patch doesn’t break things in their setup
  3. Epic doesn’t have the patch

Given that this thread has been around for quite some time now, logically it would imply that the first is the answer. Which if is true, means the developers are lying. Since I doubt that, it thus means the developers aren’t really paying close attention to how the game is functioning in all markets. Neither is a good look.

Granted, the second answer could be true, but I have a hard time believing it’s taking this long to test a patch if that’s the case. Granted, different platforms have different requirements and Sony is not MS is not Steam is not Epic. But there’s a rough equivalency and my best guess is that a month is way too long for testing.

The title of this post was originally “Patch 1.1” is LIVE, but the actual patch number is “1.01”. Sorry about that as this mistake has caused some understandable confusion. If you are still unsure you have downloaded the patch, check the game settings to see if you have “Invert Y” as an option, if you do, then you have the latest patch available at this time. Thanks!

Still missing weight and scale to scenes because everything is always in focus. No depth of field at all. Fix please. 3D engine should make this easy?

When are you patching for x axis invert? I can’t believe you’d add y invert but not x. What a rip off