Just finished the game, FANTASTIC!

I loved this game so much. I could not play it all in one sitting, so every morning for a few months when time allowed I got my coffee and played for an hour at a time. It was by far my favorite game this year. PLEASE make a sequel with captain Rydek and the crew.


I also just finished the game. I loved the story and was quite touched by the story and the consequences of my choices. Would love to see more with this crew!


on pc or ps5 ? any bugs remained ?

I also have finished the game recently and trust me bro its so entertaining loved it. Definitely love to play with updated versions.


If you love this game you should see the one i seen its in the process of being made its called starship simulator type that in to utube you will be able to pick your rank captain medical officer security engineering you have your own room on board the starship depending on what role you pick you be able to do away missions