Ideal appearances/cameos?

I know that Spock appears in the game, and I don’t wanna be greedy, but if any other established character were to make an appearance/cameo/easter egg reference, who would you want it to be?

I thought Captain Ezri Dax was great in the post-Nemesis novels and would love to see her onscreen somehow, but any DS9 character would be amazing.


I’d love to see Kirayoshi O’Brien in the transporter room standing around quietly…


“O’Brien must suffer” never specified it had to be Miles :laughing:


I’d have to say cameos from The Doctor, Tom Paris, Kira, Bashir, O’brien or, despite having just had a season of them, any TNG characters.


I know Leah Brahms is in the prequel comic, but I haven’t read it. That being said, I’m kinda hoping she might pop up. Given it’s post-Nemesis and they’ve made it very clear in the marketing, I’m hoping someone from TNG might show up.

EDIT: Now that I know how to use a spoiler tag and as this is a spoiler for PIC S3: As she didn’t show up beyond that little hologram, it’d be nice to see Denise Crosby as Sela in the game. And given the time frame, it wouldn’t step on STO’s toes, re: Romulan supernova.

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Im hoping Leah does make an appearance as shes a great character. I would also love to see Johnathan Frakes come in as Riker (I mean hes been in every Trek based within his lifetime bar he was Thomas in DS9)

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Frakes/Riker has showed up in so much ST stuff, he’d even show up for the opening of an envelope!

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I’m still waiting for the TPB for the comics, but I’d love to see Leah as her own character away from the whole Geordi hologram thing…

And Drakes/Riker would be great especially if we get to see the Titan as well!


Always a sucker for Picard… but I would be happy with any and all. It’s a big Galaxy and full of “stars” :slight_smile:

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Morn, easy on the voice acting costs!


Haha, plus if we saw Morn we’d have to see Quark’s Bar as well (as per Rule of Acquistion #286).


Haha, @LtCmdrMcDaid totally called it :laughing::laughing::laughing:


More like William T. Riker BEARDS the game Star Trek: Resurgence, amiright?




Hahaha, i mean it had to happen :grin: im pleased at this news

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Me too, it wouldn’t be the same without a Riker appearance. The only question now is what exactly is Riker’s “nice connection with Jara Rydek” they mentioned? :wink:

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Hmmmm… the first thing that comes to mind is the one with Mariner :joy:

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Haha at least by now hes married to Troi.

As much as i love a familiar appearance im hoping the game isnt overstuffed with them as im looking forward to this new crew

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Me too, it looks like Spock is with the Resolute for the whole mission, but where it says Riker is just making “an appearance”, I’m guessing it’s more like a one-off thing?

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Still hoping for Dr Brahms