I know that Y-Axis inversion has been discussed here in the past, but I just have to say this.
I picked up this game last weekend after having my eye on it for quite a while, and I’m very much enjoying it, just as I did with most Telltale games back in the day.
That said, I’m beyond disappointed that one of the biggest drawbacks of those Telltale games has been carried over to this one - a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of inverting the Y axis.
Basically, people who play with inverted controls don’t do that universally for every control system. No one expects a cursor to move up when they hold a thumbstick down. They expect their viewport to rotate up when they hold it down, yes. It’s something that you only do in a 3D space.
When you’re moving about and rotating a camera, players who invert Y are playing it as though either a) they are flying, in which case pulling back points up and pushing forward points down, or b) they are controlling their character’s head (imagine the right thumbstick is you grabbing a handful of the character’s hair, and you’re controlling whether they look up or down that way).
It’s not helpful when the “Invert Y-axis” option inverts Y for actions where you need to move a cursor up and to the right. In fact, it’s maddening. How is this still happening over a decade after TWD?
Anyway, I just had to say that. Please, for the love of god, someone tell me that the next game from Dramatic Labs will finally feature proper controls? It’s really not that hard to implement. Make “Invert Y” and “Invert X” controls, and only apply them in cases where a point of view is being controlled, not in cases where a cursor needs to be moved from one spot on screen to another.