Mind boggling design choices - Leaving the game with Escape

First of all, the game is great so far. But who the hell designed the UI/UX? Who could possibly think that getting into the choices menu, and then having Escape bound to leave into the Main Menu, is a good idea? I have just lost my progress, and I have to restart the game.

LIke… seriously? You have created something great, but sometimes it feels that you have left your brain at home.

And this is a mind boggling thing I have noticed 10 MINUTES after playing this for the first time. Come on…

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‘Are you sure?’ would indeed be nice, also on the PlayStation it’s easy to press the wrong button and accidentally exit the game.


It’s definitely a misstep on PC. A mapping assignment that was left in from early temp UI.

We’ve corrected it for the first patch. I’ve done my penance for that one.


@ jdstrawesome
Any estimation when the bugs will be fixed, please?

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It feels like a placeholder debug menu was left in.

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Yeah, this is the only thing about the game that actively annoyed me. Confirmation box would do wonders since ESC is so common for closing current menu.

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Anticipating the patch!